What is a Badger?

Many people often discuss badgers and who they are. For some people they are leftovers from what the other houses didn't want to accept, for some they are hard working little people who usually outshine the rest. But, for someone to comment on that topic, they should first know more about badgers in general, what they do throughout the year, what keeps them busy, and what keeps them entertained. After all, you have to know the subject in order to discuss it.
So what do we do exactly? Our year usually starts with the Huffle Orientation, but the games and the role playing scenarios at the Fireside keep us busy too. On top of that, we always have monthly challenges to work on, and our lovely Wizarding Times magazine to contribute to. But if I just list all our duties like this, saying that we love earning citrines by being active in the Sett, I would be giving out a wrong image about ourselves.
See, we like working with other houses as much as we like to compete with them, that's why there were teams for the Starry Night Contest with one Hufflepuff member and a member from another house. While the whole participation of the badgers in the contest shows how we're not shy and we don't hide, we like to go out there and try out everything we can. Give us something new to do and you'll be sure to see many badgers joining in. While we do have some badgers that prefer working behind the scenes (without the rest of the crowd and in a more peaceful way), most of us love challenges and working with a large group of people. Plus, that way we get a chance to meet new people and make new friends, which is something that we truly enjoy doing.
Actually, the only thing that we like more than working hard and getting recognition for it, is having fun and making new friends. It might be strange to some, but we actually do know how to party, we just prefer hiding out in the Sett when celebrating. That way others won't find out! It makes us feel like secret agents, and it doubles the fun because no one knows about it. I mean, did you see that awesome party last night? Of course you didn't!
We do everything together because we like helping each other; everything is easier and much more fun that way, so we share the parties and the fun too. And we stand up one for another. You can call us courageous or stubborn, but we won't let someone fall down easily. Now on the other hand, one of things that we stand for is rights, and no matter if you're another badger or a very close friend, if you're not treating us right, we'll kindly let you know. But as long as you don't cause trouble, chaos and mayhem that hurts others, be sure we will always be kind and friendly to you.
After all, that's what badgers are known for &mdash their friendliness and the fact that they keep trying more and more until they accomplish their goal, even if there are no chances at all that the goal can be accomplished. We like to think that if you keep trying and put enough effort in, you can achieve pretty much everything. Except maybe reach the stars, since we're just badgers we can't fly and thus we can't get up in the sky. But who says you must have wings to get there? We could always find another way to get there and that shouldn't be a lot of trouble for us since everyone says we're particularly good finders. I guess there could be a spy among these secret agents who is giving away info about them, but once they find out our secret flying mission plans we'll be on our way to the stars already!
So yes, badgers are nice and rightful people with somewhat good ambitions who are both fun and hard-working and can be great friends, so you yourself decide whether or not you want a badger in your life.