Tips to Make It Through Seven Years at HOL
When I started at HOL, it seemed like graduation was millions of years away. Would I make it to graduation day? Would real life take over and keep me away? Will I get bored with this magical world? (The horror!) All of these thoughts passed through my head. However, the time flew and soon enough I was taking my OWLs and shortly after that my NEWTs and receiving a diploma. 'How did you make it?' you may ask. Well, fortunately for you, I am now here to share some of my wisdom — and contrary to what may have been said about me in the past, I do have at least a little bit of wisdom when it comes to this subject.
1) Take classes with a friend. One of the major parts of attending HOL is attending classes. In order to graduate to the next year there are minimal quill requirements. You only need two quills to go on to the next year. That can be as little as two half term classes or one full year class. My advice to you is to take these classes (and complete them!) with a friend. Your friend is there so that you two can support each other and give each other gentle reminders of when homework is due. They are also there to help you if you need help. I take almost all of my classes with Felicia and many times we end up doing assignments at the same time when we are both online.
2) Post in the Homework Help Section. This section is new this year here at the Sett, but it is a great idea. I myself have taken advantage of it a few times. If you need help with homework, check out who else in the house is taking that class and then ask them a question if you have one! People here at Huff are very friendly and more than willing to help if they can.
3) Choose classes that interest you. This seems pretty simple, but really it makes a big difference. I always liked the canon classes (Charms, Transfiguration, etc.) since they made me feel more in touch with the Harry Potter universe. However, I have also taken other classes that were of interest to me. If I am interested in what I am learning, then I am more willing to participate and complete the work (which eventually leads to quills/graduating to the next year).
4) Look at the syllabus before registering for classes. Does the class sound like one you can handle, or is it too demanding for your real life schedule? Only you know the answer to that, so choose wisely. I always liked choosing classes that had assignments based on short answer/multiple choice/short essays. If a class expected me to write novels for each assignment, I knew that, based on my schedule, I would not have time for big projects like that.
5) Choose classes taught by people you know. OK, this one may seem like cheating, but it really does help if you have an "in" with the professor. Let's say you need an extension — the prof may be more willing to give you one. If the teacher is your friend, then you also want their class to be successful, so you are more apt to participate because you don't want them to think you're a slacker! Another plus is that you can fill your homework assignments with inside jokes and get away with it!
Enough about classes! What about the other stuff?!
6) Join the chatrooms. How are you supposed to make those friends that you are going to study with? Well, you need to talk to people! Yes, I know, some of you are extremely shy (I was too in the beginning and still am when it comes to non-Huffs — something I am not proud of!), so start out small. Start out by going to the room of your house (for instance, #hufflepuff) and then slowly you may get braver and visit other house chat rooms or the big one at #hol. And don't feel shy about butting in on other people's conversations. Everyone is always welcome to chat.
7) Post in the house common rooms. Not ready for "live chatting"? Then visit the common rooms and post in there. The common rooms are divided into different sections filled with different activities such as RPGs and puzzles, games and contests, and discussions. It is possible to make friends this way as well. Eventually, participation in the House activities may lead to personal messages where friendships can really be established.
8) Join a club. HOL has many clubs to offer, so pick the one you like and join! You can write for the magazine, play Quidditch, or join the Dueling Club (which is coming soon and I CAN'T WAIT!). There are many other clubs out there as well. Do a bit of research. The more you are involved in, the more friends you will make, and the more HOL will feel like a home. This, of course, keeps you involved and more likely to make friends who will keep you on target with your homework! Which of course, leads to a graduation in seven years!
If you follow these tips, you are sure to make your years at HOL that much more enjoyable and, therefore, see it through 'til the end! Look at me — I made it to the end and I'm still here! They couldn't get rid of me no matter how hard they tried!