Diamonds Galore: Diamond Report as of February 2021
Hufflepuff uses Diamonds to count the House points in the Harry Potter books. We do the same, here, at HOL Hogwarts.
We've started up our new term at HOL Hogwarts. Here in the Sett, we had a few fun activities, where people earned more Diamonds. As always, the Diamond count changes and there are changes in the top Diamond earners. Remember that the three people with the most Diamonds at the end of the year earn awards! (You can see the count in the Sett. They are posted on a monthly basis and can be found here.)
Come to the Sett and earn Diamonds! There are all kinds of places you can earn them doing different things. The month of January had 11 Diamond-earning activities and February had 15. Some of these were in Badger-only areas but, generally speaking, the ones providing bunches of Diamonds are open to all people of HOL. If you want to start your Diamond collection, check out the Department of Huffle Games and Sports (DoHGaS), also known as the Games Tent, the Wonders of the World, and activities in the Fireplace and the Creative Club, both located in the Fireside Area. In addition, look for House activities which are hosted on a regular basis. You may have noticed the Creature Scavenger Hunt in February, participated in by 24 people, had fun, avoided traps, and earned lots of Diamonds!
Eighty-one (81) people of HOL have earned Diamonds so far this year. The lowest number earned is 6 and the highest earned is a whomping 3,726 Diamonds.
The following HOLers have the top Bags of Holding for Diamonds Galore so far:
- Harry Walles (Hufflepuff) — 3,726
- Mia Fountain (Ravenclaw) — 3,286
- Louis Walles (Slytherin) — 3,204
- Prof. Will Lestrange (Slytherin) — 2,988
- Prof. Tarma Amelia Black (Hufflepuff) — 2,605
- Amy Darvill (Hufflepuff) — 2,125
- Lorainia Riverrider (Gryffindor) — 2,070
- Prof. Felicia Hartwick (Hufflepuff) — 1,915
- February Fortescue (Slytherin) — 1,877
- Carrie Warts (Gryffindor) — 1,768
While the top places seem to be filled by the same people, there are changes in the top 10 from our last issue of the Wizarding Times. Check out the Sett for activities. You might just make your way to the top 10, and even maybe take over the top 3 and earn a lovely Diamond Hoarder award!