Vampire Diaries, Season 2
True fans surely question this — why has the view rate of the show slightly lowered compared to Season 1's viewing? Sadly, there is no specific answer; it might be the fact that people sometimes start watching a show and then get bored, it might be because not everyone enjoys vampire-themed shows, it might even be the fact that the show has been a bit more gore compared to the previous season, or it might be even because it hasn't stayed completely true to the book series. Though in reality, none of that should matter seeing how the show has kept its awesomeness, and has even improved at some levels.
While the first season revolved more about the history of Stefan and Damon Salvatore (Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder) with Katherine Pierce (Nina Dobrev), and it was basically an introduction to the whole plot together with Elena (also Nina Dobrev) and her closest, we get to see much more action and many new elements in the second season. Although many take it with hatred that there are characters constantly dying, it certainly adds more emotions and touching moments to the storyline, and it keeps the show away from the common and boring "Happy Ending" fairytales that most vampire movies stick to. Just like Harry Potter, the whole plot would seem too childish and Disney-like if it weren't for the deaths of many important and beloved-by-the-audience characters.
All those things that were just mentioned in the first season, such as Elena's mother, the Originals (the original vampires), the moonstone curse, and many more things that everyone has been wishing to hear more about, were now fully exposed and portrayed. That's what made this season full with excitement and greatness, because every episode made you craving for more, it made waiting for the week to pass for a new episode to come out seem like time has stopped and you've been waiting for an eternity.
For the fans of "Delena", or better said the relationship between Damon and Elena, there are new elements that will surely make you happy as you watch the tension between both characters rise. Elena is still with Stefan, but she can't hide that she has some feelings for Damon too; they just get out on the open in certain occasions. But by the end of the season there are many surprises, and when people's lives are in danger and graving losses is already a common thing, it sure makes things even more emotional.
There are many turnovers, because not everything is as you may think, including the moonstone curse, the Originals and Katherine's history with them, and you might even learn about a new breed. After the several first episodes, you will probably realize that the characters' biggest threat isn't Katherine, but something much worst. Will they manage to work it out and live a happily ever after? Maybe, but it definitely doesn't include all the characters, and there's bound to be some crying as some people fade away or disappear.
As for the action part, you're definitely going to see Bonnie (Kat Graham) practice and improve her witch powers as her role in the story becomes vital, and expect to see her in a relationship that might come as a surprise to many. There will also be many werewolves versus vampires contradictions and arguments, and although one thing leads to another, in the end they might just have to work together for one cause. But fear not, the vampires will be as active as in the first season, if not even more.
And of course, if nothing else makes you feel like watching the show, it'll be those amazingly timed mind-blowing soundtracks that will make your heart ache and just demand more of it. In the end, it's still one truly great show as before, and it's worth your time and attention. Enjoy!