The Journey Continues
Another year has passed, and we all had a blast!
That tenth anniversary sure went quite fast!
But the memories will stay forever in our hearts,
Because having so much fun can't compare even with arts.
You may have won many contests and awards,
You may have earned a lot of beans and points,
Yet at the end of the day what wins the boards
Is each single friendship with lack of disappoints.
But this is not where we say goodbye.
Until the magical world of Potter exists,
Our limit will never be closer than the sky.
So get yourself ready for a new year full with twists!
Most importantly, don't forget to enjoy your summer!
As the screens show You-Know-Who leave forever,
We will party and have fun, so you know it won't be a bummer,
Because each HOLer is unique, special, and very Hermione-clever!