In the Shadow of Rorey Padfoot, Hufflepuff by Heart
I don't know how it happened, and I don't know why I had to urge to write what I am about to write, but I have to say it came to me like a floating cloud, like a source of undying inspiration. It was like the sudden light bulb that appears when you're thinking of a master plan. So, it came to be that I had this idea brewing in my mind.
I was wandering the halls of Hogwarts one afternoon. It was peaceful and quiet in the halls, and I was in deep thought, when all the sudden I was disturbed by somebody shouting. "Out of my way, Badger coming through!" I managed to quickly jump into a corridor before I was run over by a stampede of black and yellow colors.
As I was watching, I saw Badger Rorey Padfoot pass me by, and it was then that the light bulb appeared. I figured that people know so little about this quiet and hard working Head Student, yet all know her name and some of us secretly adore her.
I thought, Why not write a life tale about this Badger? So here it is: the very personal, HOL mini-interview of Miss Rorey Padfoot. ALL HAIL!
The life of Rorey in Hogwarts begins in 2005, when she first walked through the doors of this castle. She was an eager and exceptionally kind eleven-year-old, or so was I told by another Badger. When she put on the Sorting Hat, she ended up in Hufflepuff, a house for which she would earn great honor.
Through the years and many male/female mix ups, Rorey developed herself from a more shy Badger to the hard-working, fine young woman we know today. She was made Prefect and eventually Head Student.
Rorey has always stayed modest and hardworking. If you look around HOL, you see Rorey's name everywhere, but somehow she manages to dodge publicity (until today). However, I have to say that Rorey did not resist one form of publicity in the form of "romancing" by fellow badger Neville Prongs. Such a lovely couple to see, and we cannot help but wonder what will grow out of it. Perhaps a Mrs. Prongs, mmmm. *dozes off to dreamland* Anyways back to the point....
I, Rowan Dream, trailed Miss Padfoot's Badger steps through the castle and managed to catch her in a free moment (but even now is she hurrying me to get to the point so she can go back to work). Oh, boy — Badgers and their work!
Rowan: Welcome Rorey, and thanks for letting me steal you away from your work time. First of all a belated congrats on becoming Head Student.
Rorey: Thank you so much! Congrats to you to becoming a Prefect this year! I always have time for you, Rowan.
Rowan: Thank you. So, tell me, how does it feel to be Head Student? I mean, does it bring a lot of extra work to your already huge to-do list?
Rorey: Head Girl brings in a lot more work to my schedule, but I think it's well worth it. It's really neat to have the opportunity to help out the school that I love and adore.
Rowan: How did you manage to dodge all the publicity? You do have a lot of fans scooping around HOL!
Rorey: *shrugs* I don't really see myself as needing or deserving a lot of publicity around HOL, and I really don't see myself as having a lot of fans. LOL
Rowan: *laughs* What does your usual day on HOL look like?
Rorey: I live and breathe HOL. (I know — it can be quite sad at times.) For the most part, I tend to my everyday, must-get-done sort of stuff around HOL: checking class stuff, answering questions, managing the areas I manage, typical stuff like that. Sometimes it can take less time than others, but I enjoy it just the same.
Rowan: But, how do you manage to do it: get up, go to class, do your homework, grade your classes, do the Prefect and Head Student work, and still spend time swooning in the arms of Neville? (*winks at Rorey*)
Rorey: Neville has a full plate, too; he's started teaching classes this year, he's also a Prefect, and he's started his O.W.L. work as well, so he's pretty understanding with all I need to do around HOL. I am very organized with all the jobs I do around HOL. I have a humungous list and cross off and add to it as I need to. Sometimes my list is super long and sometimes it's short. It just depends on the month and what I'm involved in during that month.
Rowan: What did being made Head Student do to you as a person? You are still humble, but what emotions surfaced when you first heard the news from your Head of House?
Rorey: I was super excited when I was asked to be Head Girl. It is something I've really wanted since I began HOL six years ago. I won't lie, it's a lot of work, but I love having this shiny badge to go with my Prefect badge.
Rowan: You are a sixth year now and are well on your way to graduate Hogwarts; did you think about your future yet? What are your dreams, plans, possible careers you're chasing?
Rorey: I think I would like to graduate and become a full-time professor here at the school. I have a few more class ideas I would like to create and I hope the students will continues to enjoy my classes. Plus, once I'm a professor, I'll have a bigger office and can give some Eagles that bite detention.
Rowan: *laughs* DO IT! Well, seeing your time is very short, I hereby wish you a fine day, and don't let your work bury you! So thank you, Rorey, for this short interview.
Rorey: Thank you so much, Rowan, for a fabulous interview and all your kind words. You are too sweet for words! *hugs*
Rowan: *hugs back*