Spring, Spring, Spring!
Spring is in the air, everywhere I look around. Spring is in the air, every sight and every sound...
Okay, so that's not an exact quote, but spring is definitely here. The sun is setting later and later, the grass is getting warmer and greener, and Hogwarts students are starting to feel the yearly malaise of wanting to be outside playing instead of inside studying.
It's a tempting thing, to throw off care and responsibility for a few hours of outdoor frolicking in the sunlight; even someone as committed to the sanctuary of four walls as I am feels Mother Nature's pull sometimes. But, this is a case when you can have your proverbial cake and eat it, too. Just remember to take your assignments — and probably a blanket or something to sit on — with you. Study for a bit, frolick a little while, and study again. Repeat ad infinitum, or until it gets dark or starts raining or whatever it is that happens out there with all that nature. ;)
Or, if you've somehow managed to finish all of your schoolwork, bring along a copy of the Wizarding Times for a little light reading; this very issue is quite excellent.
Barring that, you could always volunteer your services to your much beloved and beleaguered Head and Deputy Heads of House; I'm sure they could find something for you to do. *cough*
But seriously, though, get your homework done, and on time. Especially if you're a Badger. Trust me, it's fun!
Happy reading!
Prof. Cosmo