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Aurelia West

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Posts posted by Aurelia West

  1. I am still not the biggest fan of Snape, but I grew to understand him better as the series progressed. One of my Potter-related childhood memories actually revolves around my sister constantly questioning me which side he was really on since she never ended up reading the books herself. A good number of my friends in middle and high school seemed to really enjoy his character and claimed him their favorite, but I could never quite bring myself to wholeheartedly agree with them. Though his actions became life-saving to Harry and many others, I don't think his rude actions towards the students he was intended to teach can be disregarded.

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  2. I have seen (or rather heard) Alan Rickman as Marvin in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy film. From what I'm aware, I think he's a pretty popular character, despite all of his depressing dialogue. I had read the book first for a science fiction literature class (which was one of my favorite classes I took in high school) and when we watched the movie, it was really fun to hear Alan Rickman's voice as Marvin. It's been a while since I last watched it, plus I haven't finished reading the series, so perhaps I'll go back to it soon.

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  3. My first encounter with Professor Snape is a bit hazy, as I have a poor memory, but I recall that I disliked his favoritism towards his own house. I remember being just as excited as Harry to meet the potions instructor and sharing his desire to succeed at potions. It was a letdown for me to see that the professor of the class would stomp so hard down on those who were merely wanting to learn. It also made me a bit sad when he ignored Hermione who knew the answers to all of his advanced questions in favor of singling out and mocking Harry.

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  4. The flag of Mexico has three stripes of red, white, and green, and in the center is Mexico's coat of arms which features a Mexican golden eagle with a rattlesnake in its grasp atop a prickly pear cactus. According to Wikipedia, legend says that the Aztecs knew where to build their city once they saw an eagle devouring a serpent atop a lake.

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  5. I would create a habitat for the honey badger where it can find a good variety of food. Much like early human civilizations, I'd create a habitat by a water source so that it always has water available. Plus, water will attract various insects which the badger could eat. Since it will be near water, other creatures will likely stop by for a water source as well, so it also has ample opportunity to hunt whatever it desires. I'd also make it a shelter out of leaves or tall grasses so it has a place it can rest out of the heat of the sun.

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  6. This is tough because they're all so cute, but I'd have to say I really appreciate the honey badger. Not only does it look super adorable in the photo Harry chose, but I also know that it is fantastic at protecting itself and scaring away any potential predators. It is known for its strength, ferocity, and toughness and has very thick skin. I appreciate how different it behaves from how it looks.

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