I don't know about you, but I cannot wait 'til summer is here. It has been a long and crazy year, both in RL and here at HOL. In RL we still had to deal with keeping our families safe from Covid and still trying to return to some normalcy in our lives as well. Here at HOL we hope we made things a bit entertaining for you as Hufflepuff and the other houses continued to bring activities and projects to you.
But now the end of another school year is coming to a close. We can all look back on this year and be proud of our achievements. For some it could be finishing all your assignments and earning a quill or two. For others it can be knowing you created some interesting activities to keep the students entertained and to keep them coming back to HOL. Whatever it was that brought you here, we thank you.
Now it's time to go enjoy the summer and do all those summer things we've (I've) been waiting to do all winter. Find a lake or an ocean, go for a hike, picnic in the park, have a BBQ or two (or more), go to an amusement park, go get some ice cream, but whatever you do... have fun. But don't forget, HOL and all the houses will still be going strong and are planning some fun events for you. So, come drop by and see what we have in store for you.
As for me, somewhere there is a beach chair calling me; I hope there's one for you, too.