Diamonds Galore: Diamond Report as of June 2021
The house of Hufflepuff at Hogwarts uses Diamonds to count the house points in the Harry Potter books. We do the same, here, at HOL Hogwarts.
Already we're in June, the last month of the school year and the final month for our Diamond Count. While this post doesn't have the final count for the school year, it does indicate those people who are in the running for the Awards given to the top Diamond earners. Yes, the three people with the most Diamonds at the end of the year earn awards! (You can see the count in the Sett. They are posted on a monthly basis and can be found here.)
Are you one of those participating in lots of Sett activities? We had 13 activities in May, 14 in April, and 13 in March, where folks could earn Diamonds. Some of the activities were Badger only, but the huge Diamond earning activities were open to all of HOL.
Eighty-five people of HOL have earned Diamonds so far this year. The lowest number earned is 6 and the highest earned is an enormous 5,924 Diamonds.
The following HOLers have the top Bags of Holding for Diamonds Galore so far:
- Harry Walles (Hufflepuff) — 5,924
- Louis Walles (Slytherin) — 5,237
- Mia Fountain (Ravenclaw) — 4,855
- Prof. Tarma Amelia Black (Hufflepuff) — 4,315
- Amy Darvill (Hufflepuff) — 3,703
- Prof. Will Lestrange (Slytherin) — 3,653
- Emily Spencer (Slytherin) — 3,440
- Prof. Felicia Hartwick — 2,565
- Aurelia West (Slytherin) — 2,284
- February Fortescue (Slytherin) — 2,228
There are changes showing up in the top ranks of the Diamond earners. It's exciting! Who will be getting the Diamond awards when the totals for June are tallied up?