Christmas Interview with the Phantom
Christmas is here in HOL and everyone is busy and excited with the HOLidays! One of the busiest around the walls of HOL is the Head Boy. Wonder what's going on in his mind and his plans for the HOLidays? Well, we've got it for you! Here's a Christmas interview of the Phantom himself, Mr. Zoki Phantom!
Sirius: *speaks nervously* Thank you so much for letting me interview you for the WT despite your busy schedule around HOL. So to start, how is the HOL Head Boy doing?
Zoki: Good, except the fact that I have a lot of HOL work I need to catch up before the holidays come. Well, I could probably leave some of it to do during the holidays as well, but then how fun would my holidays be then? But overall, so far so good! :)
Sirius: You're really one busy badger. Good luck with those works. Speaking of the HOLidays, what are your preparations for this Christmas holidays?
Zoki: I don't get to do much preparation really, except finishing up my work early and then enjoying the Sett activities and hosting a few of my own over at the Pen Pal Club. I think the holidays are when I enjoy HOL the most.
Sirius: I couldn't agree more! I bet the kitchen and the Sett is overflowing with food, lots of food! *behaves himself* Back to the interview, what is your dream Christmas celebration?
Zoki: Obviously it involves lots of food (including tasty desserts) and my family and closest friends around me. I think my perfect Christmas would take place in London since I've always wanted to visit it, and I hope there will be lots of snow because snow is half of Christmas after all. I think even Santa wouldn't like it if there was no snow. ;)
Sirius: Yes, that surely is a great way to spend Christmas. *looks at the list of questions* Okay, next question, what are your plans for the coming Christmas holidays?
Zoki: I'll be making graphic e-cards to send to my fellow HOLers, and I plan on being on IRC around the HOLidays so that I can gossip about the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas Special with my fellow HOLers.
Sirius: Oh, that is thoughtful and meaningful! On to the next question, what is the essence of the Christmas holidays for you?
Zoki: For me, Christmas is all about getting back together with your close ones and celebrating the fact that another year has passed and regardless how good or bad it was there is a new one ahead. While many people don't do New Year resolutions, I still think it's a good idea to think about what you've went through in the past year and if there is anything you can do to make the new year better. And of course, it's never a bad idea to thank the people who helped you make it through.
Sirius: Nice, now that's one deep and inspiring answer! Uhmm, for the last question, anything you want to say to our HOLers?
Zoki: Enjoy the holidays, but don't forget to enjoy life as a whole. Be thankful for what you have, but remember that everything you get is a result of what you do — so make sure you sprinkle other people with goodness! ;)
Sirius: That's a good advice from our Head Boy. Well, I guess that's it. Thank you so much for taking the time out for this interview. I enjoyed it! Huffie HOLidays, Mr. Phantom!
Zoki: And thank you Sirius for the interview!