Contact Us
Are you just bursting with creativity and need an outlet? The Wizarding Times is the place for you! You can write articles or make cartoons or any number of things. You can submit one article, just 'cause, or you can even join the staff and write regularly! Even our non-Badger friends can submit articles.
And, the second best thing about it (the best thing being that you get published!) is that you can earn house points! Think of that!
If you're interested in doing something for the WT, use the form below to send us an email. We'd love to hear your ideas!
So, what's stopping you? Join us today!
Prof. Cosmo B. Mott - Managing Editor
Neville Prongs - Coder
Rorey Padfoot - Submissions Co-ordinator
And the rest of the Wizarding Times staff.
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Wizarding Times Participation Points
- Article/Interview/Poll (Must be written up and have introduction): 10 points per published submission (maximum 20 pts.)
- Art: 5-10 points per published submission (maximum 20 pts.)
- Fiction/Poetry/Recipe: 5-10 points per published submission (maximum 20 pts.)
- Editor/Coder/Coordinator: Up to 30 points (At discretion of leaders)