Hufflepuff Fall 2010 Term Poll
The new Fall Term has started, and we are sure most of our Hufflepuffs have signed up for classes.
Our poll this month asked you, "How are things going?"
Myself, I have signed up for five classes, and things are going along slower then last year. I was always trying to get all my assignments and extra credits done by the middle of the month. This term, I seem to be way behind and trying to get things done at the last minute. I do love the courses I am taking. With HOL going offline last month, it has been hard for professors and student teachers to get the points awarded to students. I want to earn 100 points a month for the Hufflepuff 100 Club. I was wondering how things were going with all of you.
The poll had three 3 questions:
1. Are you enjoying the Fall Term?
2. Are you happy with the classes you chose?
3. Do you want to make the Hufflepuff 100 Club each month?
We have so many new Huffies and of course those who have been around for a while. Every new term brings new classes for the students to choose from, so we thought asking everyone how things were going was a good start for the Fall Term. We had a great response, with 14 Huffies voting!
The results were:
1. Are you enjoying the Fall Term?
Yes = 13 (92.86%)
No = 0
Somewhat = 1 (7.14%)
2. Are you happy with the classes you chose?
Totally = 13 (92.86%)
They are ok = 1 (7.14%)
Somewhat disappointed = 0
3) Do you want to make the Hufflepuff 100 Club each month?
Absolutely = (92.86%)
Maybe = 0
Not Interested = 1 (7.14%)
The fun part of these polls is always the written response each Hufflepuff is offered to submit. The following are their replies. Read them and enjoy!
Maquelly John
Are you enjoying the Fall Term?
I am 100% enjoying the Fall Term! After only being a part of a Spring Term here on HOL, you notice how much more hectic it is! I think for that reason I prefer spring term, but that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying this term.
Are you happy with the classes I chose?
Once again I am 100% happy! I am loving all of my classes this term! Compared to my classes last year, these new ones are more demanding in what they require and such, but that does not make them any less enjoyable; in some ways it makes them more enjoyable.
Do you want to make the 100 Club each month?
Making the 100 Club each month is a goal of mine. Whether or not I make this goal depends on how much work I put in and also sometimes on how quickly teachers submit points, so you can never be certain as to whether or not you will make the list. If I don't make the list each month I will still be pleased just as long as I am contributing to Hufflepuff.
Violeta Lost
Are you enjoying the Fall Term?
I'm really enjoying the Fall Term, because there are so many different HOL projects, especially in the Art Department! I love art! I love the projects in the Sett, as they gave me precious citrines! It has been really fun until now.
Are you happy with the classes you chose? I am totally happy with the classes I chose this term! I took 5 classes and I'm trying to get 5 quills out of them! I'm glad that the 3 of them are due to the end of the term, because I couldn't manage 5 of them each month!
Do you want to make the Hufflepuff 100 Club each month?
Hufflepuff 100 Club, beware! I'm coming! I'm trying now in October to be in the 100 Club, and I'm trying to be one of the 4000 house points students for this year! Go Badgers!
Rachel Selenia
Are you enjoying the Fall Term?
Oh yes, definitely! For the first time in years, I feel like I will actually manage to stay active for more than two months in a year. I'm participating in as many activities as possible, doing my homework, and I'm enjoying every second of it!
Are you happy with the classes you chose?
Another definite yes. They are fun and at the same time require quite a lot of work. Actually a little more than I expected, but so far it's going well. I'm behind my personal schedule this month though, but I think I'll catch up.
Do you want to make the Hufflepuff 100 Club each month?
The 100 Club is my goal, yes, as well as the 4,000 Pointer!
Ely Granger
Are you enjoying the Fall Term?
Yes I am! I'm paricipating in all the Arts projects and currently in the Deathday Party. I also sent submissions to the Wizarding Times.
Are you happy with the classes you chose?
Yes, definitely! They are fantastic, I really enjoy them; my goal is getting 5 quills and many awards.
Do you want to make the Hufflepuff 100 Club each month?
Sure!!! My goal is the 4,000 Pointer!!
Hermionie Miranda
Are you enjoying the Fall Term?
Yes, I am! Since it's my second term here I am not lost or confused anymore, and with the Deathday Party going on and doing as much as I can to get points, I'm kept busy with enjoyment this term. I'm also very excited about becoming a student teacher, so I want to make my first term as one great! I feel more like I'm "fitting in" this term, so I am definitely less shy. It's HOL's 10th Anniversary, and it's off to a great start.
Are you happy with the classes you chose?
Of course! I picked classes with subjects that I'm interested in, and taught by people I know well. I am very happy with my choices, especially after doing one assignment after the other. I think I know what type of classes are good for me better now after 2 terms of experience.
Do you want to make the Hufflepuff 100 Club each month?
Duh! Why else would I take a head start and get serious about points this year! I'm trying to participate in more projects and activities and turn in all my homework in time, and so far I'm doing good. I think I have a good shot this year. And with the 4,000 Pointer, Bright Badger, and Scholary Badger awards, I have a lot of motivation.
Happy fall, Hufflepuffs, and keep on enjoying HOL!
P.S. Can't wait for HUFFLEWEEN...
Calliope Keeler
Are you enjoying the Fall Term?
I am! It's my first term, so it's been quite interesting but a lot of fun as well!
Are you happy with the classes you chose?
Yes! They are very interesting and fun!
Do you want to make the Hufflepuff 100 Club each month?
Of course!
Prof. Tarma Amelia Shanti-White
Are you enjoying the Fall Term?
Yes, I am enjoying the Fall Term. This is my very first Term as a Professor, so it is a LOT different from any other Term that I have experienced at HOL Hogwarts. I am very much liking that the people in my classes are handing in homeworks, and seem to be happy with my classes that I teach and co-teach. I'm also happy that my summer vacation with Quidditch seems to have sharpened my interest again. I was getting a little burned out, I think, after several years of botting close to 1,000 points a week (almost all the time, too...) and a little vacation went a long way towards refreshing me.
Are you happy with the classes you chose?
Yes, I am very happy with the classes I chose. They are interesting and/or challenging.
Do you want to make the Hufflepuff 100 Club each month?
Well, I would LIKE to do that. I didn't make it for September because of... well, points not being handed in, so there goes my chance for The Hundred Clubber award... BUT... 30 Citrines is NICE when one makes it into The 100 Club!
PS It's quite fun to go shopping at the Sett Shop!
Kath Snape
Are you enjoying the Fall Term?
I am enjoying the term, but for the very first time in years I am not in the top 100 point earners of HOL. With HOL crashing, it seems all my homework and extra credit were not being corrected or points being sent to the HO. So I am trying to be patient and hope to see my points coming my way soon.
Are you happy with the classes you chose?
Totally happy with my classes. I am very busy with them and have just one more to finish for this month's work, so I am making progress.
Do you want to make the Hufflepuff 100 Club each month?
That has been my goal for years!!! I love being in the 100 Club, and it is usually do to my not getting my points that I don't make it. I usually get my homework and extra credit done well in advance, so all I have to do is wait for my name to be placed each month on the list!!!
There you have it and what a great number of responses we had. Thanks to all those who voted and an extra special "THANK YOU" to all those who took the time to reply.