The Golden Light of Autumn
I love this time of year. The weather is just about perfect — not too warm, and chilly enough to need a cardigan in the mornings or evenings. (Though where I live, I could stand it being several degrees cooler.) The trees will start changing color soon, and we'll see many fellow Hufflepuffs among them, along with some Gryffindors. ;) Plus, there's a golden warmth to the sunlight that's missing from the rest of the year.
Winter sunlight is is harsh and cold; spring's sunshine is weak and unsure of itself. And summer's sun, well, it just doesn't know when to call it a day. But autumn light is different, dare I say perfect. It's warm without being overwhelming, and it has a gorgeous golden quality that's just beautiful.
School starts in autumn. I've always liked the start of the school year — so much possibility and "scope for the imagination." All the potential waiting to be discovered in the new supplies — pages upon pages of blankness waiting to be filled, ink that will write notes, stories, even doodles. And the joy and anticipation of new classes, new opportunities to succeed, new skills to learn, more chances to slack off... I mean, to work very, very hard....
And Huffleween's right around the corner.
Seriously, what isn't there to love about autumn? That's right: nothing!
Much love,
Prof. Cosmo