Update From the Department of Huffle Games and Sports
Wow. What a busy month! September saw the opening of the Games Tent over in The Sett. The Department worked busily for hours creating a number of games and launching them in a password protected board ready for all those who were able to solve the first puzzle and gain access. The Huffle sock drawer is now full to bursting with an amazing 1981 socks that were awarded as a result of these games!
by Dom McDermottFor all those non-badgers (and a few of the Huffs too) who don't know what they are, socks are a bit like the house points you earn for your house. As the Badgers take part in the various HuffleContests, or show great initiative around the house, they are awarded socks for their Kingdom. From the events in the Games Tent, the following additions were made:
(And in case any mathematicians are wondering, the remaining few socks were won by members of the HuffleStaff who also took part.)
- Khaki Kumquats: 629 socks
- Purple Pineapples: 604 socks
- Silver Starfruit: 709 socks.
The comments in the emails as people were submitting their Games answers varied greatly from open praise to name-calling. Cosmo Brown even went so far as to call me evil, after she spent so long trying to work out one of my anagrams. All I can say in my defence is this: if it was easy, where would the fun lie?
The results for the games in the Tent can now be found in a post there, as with the actual games; this is viewable to all - did any non-Huffs take part in the challenges? How did you do?
There are far too many participants to list them all, but I'd like to give special praise to Lilly Stargazer, Emma Pacifica, Julia Weflynn, Keaira Filan and Pezzie Granger, who all scored over 100 socks for their Kingdoms. The top sock monster award for the Games Tent is shared between a Pineapple and a Kumquat - congratulations to Cosmo Brown and Mopsy Prewett, both of whom completed all the challenges scoring the maximum available of 120 socks!
With the ongoing success of the Department, and the good comments (and fun had by all) with the Games Tent, it can't be too long before the next challenge is unveiled. Stay tuned also for news of a second round of Games Tent challenges.