Mayor of Hogsmeade - The Interview
Pezzie Granger
Hogsmeade Village, a great place to go to for a break from studying at Hogwarts. There are many little shops to visit and shop in. Why there is even apartments to rent as well for living. I myself share a place with two Hufflepuff roommates! It is truly a wonderful place. A wonderful Mayor oversees Hogsmeade as well. Her name is Madam Mayor Jessabella. I was honored to take on the job of conducting an interview with her for The Wizarding Times. So we set up a time on her busy schedule to sit, talk and get to know our mayor of Hogsmeade.
Pezzie finds a nice area in the common room for her and Jessa to meet and talk with out too many interruptions. Pezzie had brought some drinks and treats to share between the two of them during the interview. They were set up at two big comfy chairs that had a table between the two. The chairs were angled so they could see each other.
Pezzie greets Jessa, "Hi Jessa! It's nice of you to take time to meet with me. Please have a seat," Pezzie gestures to the empty chair. Both sat down Pezzie got out her list of questions for Jessa. "First would you like something to drink?" Pezzie asks Jessa.
"Sure." Jessa replied. "A nice warm butterbeer would be just great."
Pezzie gets a drink ready for Jessa, "Ready to conduct the interview?" Jessa nods and Pezzie starts with her first question...
Pezzie: What is your full name here?
Jessa: Well, officially my name is Madam Mayor Jessabella. However, my full name is Jessabella Katarina Raizel Krisalyn Dreams Tariena Bigglesworth, also known as Bob Dole.
Pezzie: What is your magical background?
Jessa: I come from a very large magical family. My mother, Tawna Lelani Windspear, is a professor at Hogwarts. Many of my siblings are students there. So we have a lot of magical roots throughout the past, and I'm sure you can follow our family tree to Helga Hufflepuff herself, though I haven't attempted such, yet. Myself, I graduated from Hogwarts early upon being offered the position of mayor.
Pezzie: What's a day for Mayor of Hogsmeade like?
Jessa: It all depends on the day... no day is typical. Usually though.. I get breakfast delivered in bed by one of my slaves. After a long and leisurely preparation period, I get to the office mid-afternoon. I check my messages, offer any pressing replies, and put the rest off until a later date. Then I check on the reports left from my slaves, checking on their work and making sure they are on schedule. Afterwards, it's onward to inspect prospective apartments and shops for my village. This takes the rest of the afternoon, and upon completion, it's time for a late dinner in my manor, with whomever I may be entertaining for the night. We eat, discuss, and enjoy the musical accompaniment of my ballroom band. Occasionally there is a business meeting after dinner, but usually it's off to the spa for a little bit of a relaxing period, and to wind down from the hard day. Then it's onwards to bed.
Pezzie: How long have you been mayor?
Jessa: I've been mayor for just under a year now. We'll be celebrating my one year anniversary in the post in March.stay tuned for the grand celebrations
Pezzie: What made you want to be mayor?
Jessa: This little village has always been dear to me throughout my studentship at Hogwarts. To watch it fall into desolation in the absence of the former mayors, just hurt. I decided to take the plunge, and revive the precious village for all the students to enjoy like I do.
Pezzie: How do you like being mayor?
Jessa: I love being mayor! It is the greatest job in the world. I have complete control over a village of people, and multitudes of slaves just waiting to do my bidding. I can make changes however I see fit, and there is always something new that I can work on.
Pezzie: Who were the other mayors of Hogsmeade?
Jessa: The last mayor of Hogsmeade was my aunt, Miss Sollarna Fumbleknot, bless her soul.
Pezzie: Do you like it over at Hogsmeade?
Jessa: Of course I have a favorite place to go to in Hogsmeade.. but it's a secret, so I can't tell you! In terms of shops.. I'm quite fond of the Magical Menagerie, and of course, my sweet tooth loves Honeydukes. And you cannot beat the company at Rosera Cafe, or The Three Broomsticks.
Pezzie: How did you find yourself at Hufflepuff House?
Jessa: Well, this was quite an interesting event. It was started by the fact I can often be found lurking around the halls of our dear Hogwarts. Though I have since graduated, I still love the dear school, and have many friends. It started when our dear Head Boy, Mister Matt Whisp, tried to convince me to take a de-aging potion he'd been working on, and join Ravenclaw to play on their Quidditch team. Professor Fumbleknot happened to overhear this request, and noticed my deliberation of the idea. I longed to rejoin a house, for I had such a great time as a former Gryffindor, and missed the unity. She approached me later that day, to avoid having to scold Mr. Whisp for his idea, and invited me to join Hufflepuff as a staff member. It took me many hours of trying to decide, but finally I took the plunge at the beginning of term, and have no regrets.
Pezzie: Do you attend classes or teach classes at HOL?
Jessa: I do neither, currently. I occasionally visit classes, and sit in on lectures, but I am not a member of any officially. I do wish to teach a class, perhaps in the upcoming year, but we'll have to see how the Head Office likes my idea during the interview stage comes again for new professors.
Pezzie: What's the most fun part of HOL for you?
Jessa: The people are definitely the most fun part of HOL. Without people, HOL wouldn't exist, and without these particular people, it wouldn't be any good. It's for each and every one of these students that I continue to do what I do, and continue to be addicted to this school.
Pezzie wrote down the last reply in her notebook, looked over to make sure she had covered most of the questions she was eager to ask. "Well, that should just about do it Jessa," said Pezzie "Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to sit with me for the interview. I just know many people will be eager to learn more about their beloved Mayor Of Hogsmeade Village!" Pezzie got up, as did Jessa, they shook hands and exchanged a hug as well. Pezzie gathered up the tray that was now empty from the many drinks and treats they had during the interview. Then Jessa hurried along to finish her mayor duties for the day as Pezzie went off to get her article ready for press.