Fumbly's Note
Professor Sollarna Fumbleknot
"Badgers of Thread and Glue"
Greetings! And a very special welcome to all newbies! I hope you've been comfortably situated in your dorms and kingdoms, and haven't been lost too many times on your way to class. Orientation has come and gone and Dom's Broom Race is kicking off! This semester is already promising to be an exciting one.
While wandering the HuffleHalls and conducting room checks, I noticed a great deal of Badger Spirit being expressed in wonderfully crafty ways. However, not all rooms had such spirit and I thought it might be helpful to provide you with a few Badgery Craft Tips!
A couple months ago I decided that my Christmas tree could use a few Badgery Ornaments. This is not something commonly sold in stores, so I knew they would have to be made by hand. While these were initially for Christmas, they can be clipped onto all sorts of things, dotting every room with Badgery Cuteness. Here are a couple pages showing how to make these:
Hufflepuff student Pezzie Granger even created a way to make a Badger Sock Puppet! Doesn't that sound fun? I can't way to try making one myself! Also on my list is a slightly more bold project: making my own Badger Stuffed Animal.
Are your sewing skills a little... lacking? Do you prefer drawing, painting, or sculpting? Then, by all means, draw or paint Badgery Posters! Or sculpt a Badger family! Make it clear to anyone who visits that you are a proud Badger!
Decorate everything in yellow and black... Including your bedsheets, cupboards, upholstery, and the walls! Ok, so that might be going a little overboard. Just maybe... *G*
Be sure to visit the Hufflepuff Website (at its new address): http://home.earthlink.net/~hufflepuff/
Go to the "Badger Info" section, and you will find some more ideas and/or inspiration for Badger Crafts.
Most importantly, find your own fun way to create Badgers. And share your ideas in the Huffle Garden. Just, please, do not put glue and glitter in other students' (or professors') hair.