Ravenclaw: Behind the Books.

Asked to spy on Ravenclaw and find out their secrets was my task. So off to the roost I went. I had expected to find the place filled with books and quiet learning but I got more than I bargained for. I dressed in Ravenclaw robes and changed my hair to a different shade so that I would not be spotted. I hid my badge and hopped to be mistaken for a rather lost first year. I am rather short so that part was not hard to pull off. No one questioned me as a slipped into the Ravenclaw common room behind a Ravenclaw prefect. I acted bashful as I peeked into the common room and not a person seemed to notice or figure out my actual identity. I was able to chat with a few people and some were very helpful.

Looking into the roost I was shocked to find someone had spray painted and as I watched undetected more and more people continued to paint on this wall one after another. I witnessed all types of students painting all the wall, from first years to prefects and no one seemed to mind or wish to stop. I learned a lot from this wall. I shall not give out names as to who started the writing there, as I do not mention to incriminate anyone, however I will say I was shocked to see a prefect start vandalism. Though, to her defence, she did promise to clean it up when Professor Laffengraff noticed it.

Interestingly enough Ravenclaw has both a house alien and a house angel. It is claimed that Malien Clementielle is half alien and half spork (depending which accusation you believe). Hari O'Duibhleargain is claimed to be Ravenclaw's house angel, I will not even go into the other rumours about her as they are far to shocking. I will however go on to say there seems to be a reason behind why she is such a good scullery maid. As for the common things you think about Ravenclaw I am not sure how correct they are, though they do have a place where they discuss books.

While I was slipping around the halls I managed to get a peek into Professor Laffengraff's office (how I did so I will not be sharing) her office was filled with windows and very inviting. It has an amazing view of the mountains and the lake that the school overlooks. I however did have quite a fun time with it, as I entered her office I was greeted with the cries of her three birds (Scarlet, Babaloo, and Nevermore) one of which started insulting me. I had to quickly perform a calming charm so that they didn't blow my cover. Her cat (Dionysus) however was harder to work with because she jumped on my leg and started chewing on the leg of my pants, obviously she thinks she is a dog. Her I was able to appease with a dog biscuit. Laffengraff's office was filled to the brim with books and photographs of her students (one of which had Matt Whisp dancing on a table) on the spare wall space that wasn't taken over with a window.

To my dismay as I was in her office I hear the door opening, I had to jump into a closet to avoid being seen. Shortly after she had settled behind her desk there was a knock at her door, I held my breath as a Ravenclaw first year I recognised entered at Professor Laffengraff's request. The nervous first year had a seat on one of the two blue sofas in the room an explained why she was there. Apparently she had been sent to her HoH for throwing a quill across the room. The first year looked ashamed and bit frightened as Professor Laffengraff informed her calmly she would have detention with her the following evening. By this time I was fearing for my own skin and hopping Professor Laffengraff would leave again so I might make a break for it. Eventually she did get up and I was able to slip out. After this close call I figured I had enough information.

Ravenclaws are surely not all brains and books. They seem to be ever up to something, these things go from painting walls, to table dancing, to searching for ghosts lost memories and playing tons of Quidditch. I wonder when these busy birds find time for rest. Even there Professors get in on the action. It also seems that their HoH has a strange fondness for spam, who would have figured. Their Professors and Prefects are kept busy with guiding students and maintaining order (or torturing and wrecking havoc I am not sure which).