A Day In The Life Of Tweedy
Day by day the terms at
HOL go by. With each day comes assignments to do, people to meet
up with, practices for quidditch, due dates to meet and so forth.
Each day is different for each person. Whether it's a student who
needs to get their homework done or do research. A quidditch
player making it to practice, someone meeting up with their
friend in the common room. Even professors have busy days that
can be hectic or not go as planned. One professor has allowed us
to document a day in her life, so please enjoy getting to know
Professor Twylantern as we take you into one of her days.
Before we can tell you all about a day in the life of Professor
Twylantern, let us get to know her a bit better. Professor
Twylantern comes from a family with two parents, her dad Gerald
teaches science at a muggle secondary school and mum Ellene is a
nurse at the New England Regional Wizard Hospital. She has one
sister, younger then her, Satronia Dewe. Her nickname is Roni.
Professor Twylantern shared with us more about her sister,
"Roni is somewhat of a recluse, hates people, and collects
pets (she owns a pair of kneazles). She works for the DWD
(Department of Wizard Defense), and owns a condo in Cambridge
(near Boston) and a house on Cape Cod."
Professor Twylantern attended the famed Boston Academy of Magical
Arts, where she was a member of House Maybanke. Following that,
she pursued a dual track university education, taking courses
simultaneously at both muggle and wizard institutions, in an
effort to please both sets of grandparents. Upon completing her
degrees, she worked for several years at American Alchemical, a
potions supply company. Her primary role there was as Research
Botanist, and led many expeditions all over the world to obtain
the best potion ingredients available. She is currently writing a
book about her experiences hunting for rare plant species.
Six years ago, her old Maybanke Head-of-House, Prof. Thomas
Braybrooke, took over as Headmaster of BAMA. In that year also,
their Herbology professor retired. Braybrooke shortly thereafter
called upon Eugenia to consider the post of Herbology professor,
which she did. Three years later, she was appointed Head of the
Herbology Department at BAMA. This did not sit well with a few
professors who thought they should have been chosen. Two years of
solid leadership amid political wrangling later, Eugenia
voluntarily resigned her post at BAMA, claiming that it was
"an unhealthy work environment". Eugenia set her sights
on the UK, where she intended to start afresh. She was invited to
teach at Hogwarts in the summer of 2003.
Professor also shared with us that she has a Blackthorn, 8 3/4
inches, core of wyvern whisker wand. She had shared with Pezzie
in Wandmaking class "My sister and I both grew up where
white pine and oak were prevalent. It was almost a foregone
conclusion that our first wands were made from these woods. As I
was heavily into the study of Herbology and worked as a Field
Research Botanist for American Alchemical at the time, it was
fitting that the wand which chose me next was a blackthorn, known
to wizard growers all over the world as a very useful and
powerful tool. It has helped me in all my work since."
The Professor's nickname as a student was Jeanie. Her middle name
is Zenobia. If you leave homemade baked goodies and treats for
the professor make sure it includes peanut butter as that is her
favorite food! She likes to wear colors of muted burnt orange,
rose and shades of green; also her favorite quidditch team's
colors of blue, red and violet. Her favorite quidditch team is
The Beantown Barmpots. She shares "They haven't won the
Colonials Cup in about 300 years. However, they just made it to
postseason play for the first time in decades", and Eugenia
couldn't be more thrilled.
So now that we've gotten to know Professor Twylantern a bit
better let us discover what a day in her life at Hogwarts is
like. Tweedy, as some call her, usually wakes up "before the
first gong is struck for reveille". Though sometimes if it's
raining or if she doesn't have class, she likes to just lie in
bed. Sometimes to sleep, sometimes to read. When asked whether
she enjoys tea or coffee, she said "I was a big coffee
drinker back in the States; now that I've come to the UK to
teach, I find myself really enamored with the old courtesies
involved with high tea in the afternoon. Prof. Chutney sometimes
floats sugared violets in our tea cups, which I think is such a
lovely, quaint touch."
Professor Twylantern's first class is always right after the
morning meal. It tends to be a low key affair with students
struggling for consciousness. "Though they usually snap out
of it after a few turns in the brisk air, as we do our outdoor
species surveys." said Tweedy.
For meals Tweedy enjoys whatever the house elves have prepared.
Though it tends to be whatever is in season, she does raise
things like tomatoes and lettuce throughout the year. Her
favorite dishes include anything with fish or shellfish, and
green things like salads and curried mustard greens with
Her favorite parts of the day are the transition times.
"Dawn, and dusk. Birds and bats. I like the balance of
witnessing these two daily miracles." When asked about her
least favorite she said "I don't know that I have any. Maybe
noontimes, in the summer. Too hot to weed the gardens.
So now we've come to the end of the day, Professor Twlantern
retires for the night to her room. As we leave her we find
Professor Fumbleknot and ask her to sum up her thoughts on
Professor Twylantern...we ask her some quick questions before
ending our day. We asked for some thoughts to be
shared...to sum up what Twylantern is like. Jokingly Professor
Fumbleknot says "Really bad, but pure and good,"
Laughing and smiling though she gets a sweet smile on her face
and says "She is an amazing cook and knows all the lethal
man-eating plants,"
When asked about how she is with the students, "Strict! Very
Strict. In the classroom she is Professor Twylantern, not Tweedy,
to her students. Her detention room is never empty," in
regards to Hufflepuff house, "She is the High Administrator
of Discipline," With exchanged looks of new concern of now
we know better when it's Professor Twylantern around, Professor
Fumbleknot finished, "but remember, she is the GOOD
twin." As well as good person and good professor. Professor
Twylantern is a great addition to HOL and we are glad she's a
part of Hufflepuff!
Pezzie Granger and Arwen Wood