Yet Another Quidditch Article

Dolly was moping around after the loss of one of her favorite Professors, and HOL friends, Alektaia (Taia) Khalikiope.

She went into the girls' dorm and started reading the annual quidditch magazine, and remembered how Taia used to love quidditch.

Anne wandered in and sat down on her bed. She pulled out her beautiful round pensieve and turned it over. Anne set the pensieve down on her bed and sadly left.

Dolly had wondered why Anne just came in and left her pensieve on the bed. Dolly walked over and picked it up. A swirl of green appeared and Dolly saw one of Anne's earlier visions.

<AnneG> *sits in a chair like a sports reporter, fixes her earpiece and turns to co-host, and co-coach Taia*
<Taia> lol
<AnneG> So Taia, the badger quid team had a big year, two new captains, new members, it was exciting wasn't it?
<Taia> *nods*
<Taia> yes, the year was very exciting.
<Taia> being a player, as I was then, was awesome.
<AnneG> Let's go back to last September, the quid team was fresh off one year of play and ready to go for a second. Then came the announcement of a new Cpt. Ody Zeus. How do you think the players felt then?
<Taia> Uumm... that was a little before my time on the team, but I'm sure they felt both sad to hear Ody leaving but glad when Persie took over. 
<Taia> *time
<AnneG> Oh right, I forget you haven't been here that long.
<Taia> nope, I joined in October last year and was almost immediately picked to the team
<AnneG> But you're right, then was the switch to Persis, the youngest cpt. on the field. She had been quite successful last year as both beater and chaser.
<AnneG> She started scouting for new players and found, among others, you!
<Taia> *nods* yes 

Dolly paused, and a tear fell from her cheek. She remembered when the changes had happened. She remembered how Anne pulled Professor Taia aside and had a joking interview. She turned back to the pensieve and continued watching the last parts of the scene.

<AnneG> There were other changes in Quid staff too. *smiles and fiddles with earpiece again*
<Taia> it was a big honor for me to be chosen to be on the team
<Taia> *giggles*
<Taia> oh yes, my partner-in-crimed
<Taia> *crime
<AnneG> hehe
<Taia> you joined the team as a coach from the very beginning?
<AnneG> I was actually added to the team last year as broom keeper, it was my job to clean the brooms
<AnneG> but this year, when Coach Stirry was busy with her HoH duties, I was asked to help coach
<Taia> cool 
<AnneG> it was fun, got a big set of keys, my own cupboard...
<Taia> lol
<Taia> I can believe it was 
<AnneG> anyway, on to the juice of this years team...did you ever hear of the rumor of the pink leather pants?
<Taia> lol
<Taia> yes, I did 
<Taia> nobody really wanted to claim them for themself
<AnneG> really? found in the locker room weren't they?
<Taia> everyone said they were someone else's, sounds very mysterious to me
<AnneG> yeah, very mysterious.
<Taia> oooh, if I only could remember that
<AnneG> wonder where they ever ended up
<Taia> yeah
<AnneG> what about this year's robes?
<Taia> oh... I love them! Fel is doing such a great job with them!
<AnneG> I agree, that girl really knows fashion, and she's made some excellent decisions
<Taia> *nods*

The pensieve blanked out ... it was over. One of the many fun and great scenes of Taia had been shared with Dolly, and soon HOL. Dolly ran off to the common room and told everyone about the pensieve's story.

A Happy Ending!!

(This Article has been dedicated to the lovely Taia. She was a very special contribution to our House, and I'm sure we will all miss her terribly! Best of luck in the future!!)

Dolly Bulge