Love Doctor
I've been thinking
about this article for awhile. You would think I would have no
problem writing it now. But I was inspired by others and recent
events to talk about friends. There is a special kind of love we
reserve only for friends.
1friend 'frend noun
Etymology: Middle English frend, from Old English frEond; akin to
Old High German friunt friend, Old English frEon to love, frEo
Date: before 12th century
1 one attached to another by affection or esteem
I don't know how I could go through life without my friends. They
are my support when times are bad and they are the people I tell
my good news to. My best friend and I have gotten to the point
where at times we can read each others' minds. We have a nickname
for ourselves because we just understand each other. Our other
friends just roll their eyes, but I don't know how many times
she's said just the right thing and makes me feel better.
Then you have those friends that don't understand you as well,
but still know when something is wrong and open their arms to
give you a hug. These friends are just as vital, they know you
well enough that you can tell your secrets to them without
feeling stupid. They're the ones you hang out with on a Friday
This next group fits in both of those categories but not many
people understand them. I'm talking about your online friends. We
have a special bond. We were brought together through one thing
and now we have lifelong friendships. I also have a best friend
online, it's my sister, I can tell her anything and I mean
anything. We've only met once but I've known her for almost 2
years and I feel closer to her than a lot of my real life
friends. How can anyone argue a friendship in which you share
things with others, when times are bad or good you call each
other, you instant message each other, you send a card? Is that
not what you do with your friends in real life??
Now since I am the love doctor I couldn't finish this article
without mentioning how these friendships can turn into something
more. At times you meet that person and you get to know them, you
might know them for years before things start to change. They
look at you and you see something different. Suddenly hearing
their voice brings a huge smile to your face, getting an email is
the highlight of your day. I think this is the best relationship.
There is none of that awkward first date getting to know each
other because you've already done that. You know some of their
idiosyncrasies. It's just comfortable.
No matter what kind of friendship remember to tell them what they
mean to you. You never know when will be the last time you talk
to them. Everyone is precious and we are lucky to know each
Amanda Lupin