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Hufflepuff Common Room

Creative November

Lamia Brickley

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Hello everyone,

I am a bit late as well, sorry!


November is the month of Thanksgiving and we should all stop and think about what we are thankful for. We often forget that we are often so lucky and have so much even if it sometimes does not seem like it.


So let's create some graphic, draw a picture, take a photo, craft something, you have the choice how to express!

Please include a line in your picture like "I am thankful for ..." or if you thank a person "thank you, [persons name]" (these are just examples, you can do your own line ;) )


As everyone has different ideas in mind for what to be thankful, the line and the topic are the only limitations this time. You get 20 diamonds and 2 graphic points for your creative piece. Please upload to an image sharing site and post the graphic or the link in this thread until the 5th of December!


Have fun! And I am thankful for everyone who participates  ^_^

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am grateful that I live with some astonishingly beautiful rose plants. I get to take care of this Moss Rose 1bdb2e00-fc6a-44c4-a670-ba898974fa4c_zps




Gruss an Coberg   ad5db36d-7f53-4a52-a36c-3fbd8fdd0eb3_zps






Jude the Obscure   ba4eb453-2364-4c1e-84ee-d3d4c60282f4_zps


and many others. 


I'm also grateful for the companionship of Murie - shown here watching North by Northwest. She was watching the airplane 'chase scene' and I ran to grab my camera!  Her focus is incredible ... and my focus with the camera wasn't .. ^_^  but I got the pictures!







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I completely forgot to post this! I don't really celebrate thanksgiving, but all the same Christmas is coming up, and I've decided to draw each of the people that somehow impacted my life this year something personal. This one is of one those people's pet guinea pig, who she loves more than just about anything. I'm just so grateful for her, so I'm trying to let her know somehow.


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