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Hello, Raider!


This thread is where you exchange your raid points to the sweets and yums that you raided. Every transaction shall be recorded in the Participants’ Record thread for recording purposes. Please keep following HOL rules in your posts.


For this last week, we will be doing things differently. The list of yums, treats, and meals you can avail with your hard-earned raid points are available below. Yes, all the tables of delights from the last three weeks are up for grabs for this week. That is not all. You cannot purchase treats for yourself. This week, you can only purchase treats for other people. They could be your raid mates, some friends left in the dorm, or maybe your family back home. HOL rules apply so you cannot use RL names of your families back home. Remember, one treat/meal for one person only. Choose wisely - which treat to trade and to whom you will give the said treat/meal. :thumbz:


Week 1: Yums from Hogwarts Kitchens

Week 2: Delights from the Leaky Cauldron and Mrs. Weasley's Burrow recipes

Week 3: Tasty treats from The Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes, and Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour

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I'd like to give the treats to my Week 3 Breakfast (Club) group members.


Evie Figg - cupcakes and ice sugar cookies

Bathilda McLaggen - jumper cookies

Ellie Vernez - fudge special


Janne Halla traded 30 raid points for Cupcakes and ice sugar cookies for Evie Figg, Jumper cookies for Bathilda McClaggen, and Fudge special for Ellie Vernez.

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I would like to give treats to the wonderful kitchen elves that have assisted us.


Cinley - Trickle Fudge flavoured wizards ice cream from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour 

Gomky - Chocolate Skeletons from Honeydukes

Zaddy - English Toffey from Mrs. Weasleys table


Adeline Morior traded 30 raid points for Trickle Fudge flavoured wizards ice cream for Cinley, Chocolate skeletons for Gomky, and English toffey for Zaddy.

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I'd like to buy a round of Butterbeers from the Three Broomsticks!


1. Kenz Eternal

2. Dibyarup James Potter

3. Ellie Vernez


A Butterbeer each, for being helpful and fearless raiders!! :broom:


Evie Figg traded 30 raid points for Butterbeers for Kenz Eternal, Dibyarup James Potter, and Ellie Vernez.

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I'd like to trade my raiding points from Week 4 as follows, while also availing my "DOUBLE THE STASH":


1. For @Prof. Tarma Amelia Black, a plate of Fish and Chips from The Three Broomsticks table, since she mentioned fish fingers and her love for fish in Week 1. ^_^


2. For @Evie Figg, a plate of Chocolate Cheesecake from the Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour table, since in Week 1 she mentioned that she has a sweet tooth. :lol:


3. For @Kenz Eternal, a plate of Pumpkin Pasties from the Honeydukes table, since in Week 1 she mentioned that she'd like to try it, I would have got some chocolate frogs for her, but that would be too little food to qualify for a treat. :D


4. For @Prof. Sirius Fudge, a plate of Mrs. Weasley's Chocolate Fudge, since it rhymes perfectly with his name like so: "Oh the Professor Sirius Fudge...enjoying his Chocolate Fudge!" :cheer:

5. For @Prof. Will Lestrange, a set of Chocolate Iced Cupcakes from the Hogwarts Kitchen table, prepared by the house-elves in the first week, since in Week 1 he mentioned that he was targeting all the baked goods that involve dark chocolate. ^_^

6. For @Janne Halla, a serving of Chocolate - Passion Fruit Frozen Yoghurt from the Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour table, because in week 1 he mentioned that he'll be targeting anything that combines sweet and sour tastes, and I think this treat matches that description perfectly! ;)


Thank you, and I hope my friends enjoy their hand-picked meals this week! Have Fun! :dance:


Dibyarup James Potter traded 30 raid points for Fish and Chips for Prof. Tarma Amelia Black, Chocolate cheesecake for Evie Figg, and Pumpkin pasties for Kenz Eternal and availed the double the stash for a Chocolate fudge for Prof. Sirius Fudge, Chocolate iced cupcakes for Prof. Will Lestrange, and Chocolate - Passion Fruit frozen yoghurt for Janne Halla.

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I'd like to trade my raiders points for week 4 to:


1. Evie Figg- Hogwarts Feast snake rolls, cupcakes, cake pops from yums from Hogwarts Kitchens

2. Janne Halla- Caramel apple ice cream from florean fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour

3. Prof. Tamara Amelia Black- Treacle Tart Ice cream from florean fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour


Ellie Vernez traded 30 raid points for Hogwarts feast for Evie Figg, Caramel apple ice cream for Janne Halla, and Treacle tart ice cream for Prof. Tarma Amelia Black.



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